This latest report speaks forcefully about how climate change will directly affect people's lives, that's always a good start when you want people to pay attention. Food production is a central theme, and anyone who thinks it's OK for farm families to continue living off of diminishing amounts of equity because the supermarkets are full is in for a shock. That's coupled with the whole collection of extreme weather events we've experienced directly, or seen on TV. Not all of these are directly caused by climate change, but the frequency and force of extreme weather events is plain for all to see.
Here are some thoughtful, chilling? articles on the report written by smart journalists.
Old Forecast of Famine May Yet Come True
Might Thomas Malthus be vindicated in the end?
centuries ago — only 10 years after a hungry, angry populace had
ushered in the French Revolution — the dour Englishman predicted that
exponential population growth would condemn humanity to the edge of
“The power of
population is so superior to the power in the earth to produce
subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other
visit the human race,” he wrote with alarm.
was, we now know, wrong. The gloomy forecast was soon buried under an
avalanche of progress that spread from England around the world. Between
1820 and the year 2000 the world’s population grew sixfold. Economic
output multiplied by more than 50.
Malthus’s prediction was based on an eminently sensible premise: that
the earth’s carrying capacity has a limit. On Monday, the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change provided a sharp-edged
warning about how fast we are approaching this constraint.
many cases, we are not prepared for the climate-related risks that we
already face,” Vicente Barros, co-chairman of the panel and professor
emeritus of climatology at the University of Buenos Aires, said in a statement.
A measure of the monthly change in international prices for a
basket of food commodities rose in recent years to the highest level
since the 1970s.
The list
of present damages outlined by the United Nations panel — melting ice
caps and rising sea levels, stressed water supplies, heat waves and
heavy rains — underscored the risk if humanity does not figure out how
to curb the use of fossil fuels that have provided the lifeblood for
economic development since the time of Malthus.
what most stood out in the report from the panel, which gathers every
few years to produce a synthesis of mainstream science’s take on climate
change, was that it rolled straight into Malthus’s territory, providing
its starkest warning yet about the challenge imposed by global warming on the world’s food supply.
panel’s past report in 2007 had concluded: “Globally, the potential for
food production is projected to increase with increases in local
average temperature over a range of one to three degrees Celsius.”
But the new report is
much more pessimistic about the prospect of extra grain production in
the globe’s temperate zones, where more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
would increase the rate of photosynthesis, raising yields, and warmer
weather would lengthen the growing season.
photosynthesis will help weeds more than cereal crops, while the
accumulation of ozone and high temperatures would reduce yields of all
the major grains, according to the report.
would be bad enough if demand for food were to remain constant. It
won’t. Studies suggest that feeding more than nine billion people in
2050 will require 70 percent more calories than the world’s population
consumes today, according to Craig Hanson, director of food, forests and
water programs at the World Resources Institute.
the panel calculates that food demand is rising at a pace of 14 percent
per decade. But it estimates that climate change is already reducing
wheat yields by 2 percent each decade — compared with where they would
be in the absence of climate change — and corn yields by 1 percent.
is a wake-up call for the agriculture sector,” Mr. Hanson said.
“Climate change is a food security issue. It’s not just an environmental
climate panel’s findings do not quite endorse the Malthusian idea that
famine will spread practically everywhere. But a world with a more
unstable food supply is likely to be a more volatile place. And those
most exposed, of course, will be the world’s poor.
experience suggests that the productivity of farmland won’t decline
gradually as the world grows warmer. World food prices stopped their
long secular decline around 2007 and have been on a roller-coaster ride
since. More volatile weather patterns promise to bring sharp disruptions
to agricultural production that can cause spikes in food prices.
is a rigorous correlation between food price spikes and urban unrest,”
said Andrew Holland, who studies climate change at the American Security
Project, a research group in Washington. “There was a food price spike
in 2008, and you can see unrest spread throughout Africa. And there’s a
relatively clear line that leads from the food price spike in 2010 to unrest in the Middle East and the Arab Spring.”
spreads easily. When rice prices jumped in 2007, big producers like
India and Vietnam banned exports to protect their domestic markets,
while importers like Bangladesh, Nigeria and Iran went out on the market
to hoard as much grain as they could. The combination wreaked havoc in
commodity markets.
then big food importers, like China, Saudi Arabia and South Korea, have
tried to insulate themselves from future food shortages by buying or
leasing agricultural land in places like Sudan, Madagascar and
Uzbekistan. The strategy is still to be tested in a situation in which
Africa or Central Asia were to suffer itself shortages of grain.
have run some war game scenarios,” Mr. Holland said. “The tendency
becomes very quickly for a country to look after its own interests.”
there are good reasons to take prophesies of doom with more than a
pinch of salt. Ecological Cassandras have consistently underestimated
humanity’s capacity to invent ways around constraints, using resources
more efficiently and switching from scarcer commodities to more abundant
In “The Population
Bomb,” published in 1968, the noted Stanford ecologist Paul H. Ehrlich
wrote “in the 1970s the world will undergo famines — hundreds of
millions of people are going to starve to death.” In “The End of
Affluence,” written six years later, he forecast “a genuine age of
scarcity” by 1985.
Today, Professor Ehrlich is perhaps best known for his bet with the economist Julian L. Simon
— a committed believer in the power of human ingenuity — who in 1980
challenged Mr. Ehrlich to choose any five commodities and accurately
predicted that Mr. Ehrlich’s basket would be cheaper 10 years later, not
scarcer and more expensive.
the climate panel suggests a variety of ways in which countries could
adapt to a changing climate. Farmers could breed new species to better
resist heat and drought. Water harvesting techniques could be used to
delay evaporation. Rotation of crops could help improve yields.
United Nations panel reported that a survey of various studies
concluded that adapting crop management could raise yields of wheat,
rice and maize from 15 to 18 percent compared with doing nothing.
in demand and logistics could also help cope with scarcer food. Mr.
Hanson pointed out that fully one-quarter of the food produced in the
world today is wasted — by either poor storage and transport
infrastructure in developing countries or wasteful consumers in the rich
But for all the
evidence of humankind’s ability to adapt to its environmental
constraints, it would be reckless to assume that ingenuity will arrive
just in time to pull us from the brink.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian think tank that is skeptical about global warming,
13 years ago created the Julian L. Simon Memorial Award to celebrate
his “vision of man as the ultimate resource.” But Mr. Simon got lucky,
too. Had the bet extended for 30 years rather than 10, it would have
gone to Mr. Ehrlich.
The Aliens Have Landed
In the ’30s, as Germany rearmed, we said, “Yeah, France can handle that.” Earlier this week, the Panzer Corps of climate change zoomed right around our Maginot line of denial, and we all became the retreating French.
disaster we refused to acknowledge has arrived. And now, as then, many
people are just giving up. “Oh, well,” countless friends and co-workers
muttered Monday, “nothing to do now.”
The bland, bureaucratic face of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gave us horrific news
this week: The negative effects of climate change are here, and they’re
ahead of schedule. Not that we’re surprised; when every scientist in
the world who isn’t in the employ of climate change deniers tells us
that we’ve long since passed the place where we could “turn back” the
effects of global warming, acknowledging its effects should be no more
shocking than arising to a blanket of snow on the ground after having
watched flakes fall through the night. If you skid out of the driveway
wondering how in the world that happened, you weren’t paying attention.
yields of corn and wheat are down and falling while prices are going
up. There has been record-breaking rain and record-breaking heat.
Droughts are commonplace, and ice is melting. Even you, a person of
education and at least moderate privilege, are going to notice.
friends are talking about getting away from it all, as if George W.
Bush had won a third term. But to where? Hudson Bay must have sea level
rise, no? The Cascades are nice and high, but they’ve got those
mudslides! Well, O.K., at least we can go drink heavily.
know that when little green men with Shar Pei-like faces invade Earth,
we’ll recognize that we are all one and act accordingly, uniting to
defeat them and creating a world that recognizes our elemental mutual
needs of land, water and air, and maintains their sanctity.
it’s the blindly irrational mistreatment and abuse of land, water and
air that have gotten us into this mess, whose visage is not that of a
green Shar Pei-faced critter with a ray gun but one that just looks like
... weather. We’re all used to weird weather, and even to the
occasional drought that might reduce California’s production of edible
plants by, say, 5 percent, or a storm that would level a few towns while
flooding the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. So although we’ve been warned, it
was hard to see this coming.
“Do you think that storm was from global warming?” everyone asked after coastal New York and New Jersey were smashed by Hurricane Sandy. “Well, maybe,” was the best anyone could say; there have always been storms.
the aliens are in the backyard, Granny, and it’s time to start hitting
them with the cast-iron pans. The deniers are the equivalent of
hucksters selling you a ray-gun-proof magic hat.
guess I can stop worrying about my grandchildren,” someone said to me,
recognizing that change has come faster than all but a few had
anticipated, and that it’s our lifetimes that are threatened now.
can give up, of course; people will. Or you can break out the clichés
about extraordinary times requiring extraordinary measures, put an evil
alien face on climate change, and get to work supporting those measures
that you know will either mitigate it or help us adapt.
barriers must be built, much coal left unburned and methane unpiped,
many cattle unborn. We need a public works project the likes of which
has not been seen since the ’40s. And it can be done, or at least
attempted. Not to beat the World War II
comparisons too heavily, but the United States built 2,000 airplanes in
1939; by 1944 that had become over 96,000, at a time when naysayers
doubted 50,000 was a reachable number.
can devise and build flood barriers; we can cap and control the spewing
of carbon and methane into the air; we can turn to forms of
agricultural production that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and even
sequester them. It’s a matter of will, not one of magic.
will not build a big umbrella that will reflect all that excess sun
back into space; “they” will not compress and suck all that carbon
underground; “they” will not release the secret plans for nuclear fusion
“they’ve” been hiding.
ain’t gonna happen. We need adaptive changes on every level, big plans
for mitigation from all forms of government, and real international and
even corporate cooperation.
individuals, we must do what we can to encourage and demand those
efforts, while also reducing our own cumulatively enormous carbon
footprints. Americans have long led the world in consumption; we created
the lifestyle that’s cooking the planet. If we demonstrate a
willingness to change — rather than whining “but what about the
Chinese?” — others will follow. If we don’t, we’re all going down.
Myself, I’d rather give it a try, and live long enough to fight the Shar
Pei men.
U.N. Climate Report Authors Answer 11 Basic Questions
Here, unearthed from the report, are the climate panel’s answers to 11 basic questions:
1. Are risks of climate change mostly due to changes in extremes, changes in average climate, or both?
People and ecosystems across the world experience climate in many different ways, but weather and climate extremes strongly influence losses and disruptions. Average climate conditions are important. They provide a starting point for understanding what grows where and for informing decisions about tourist destinations, other business opportunities, and crops to plant. But the impacts of a change in average conditions often occur as a result of changes in the frequency, intensity, or duration of extreme weather and climate events. It is the extremes that place excessive and often unexpected demands on systems poorly equipped to deal with those extremes. For example, wet conditions lead to flooding when storm drains and other infrastructure for handling excess water are overwhelmed. Buildings fail when wind speeds exceed design standards. For many kinds of disruption, from crop failure caused by drought to sickness and death from heat waves, the main risks are in the extremes, with changes in average conditions representing a climate with altered timing, intensity, and types of extremes.2. How much can we say about what society will be like in the future, in order to plan for climate change impacts?
Overall characteristics of societies and economies, such as population size, economic activity, and land use, are highly dynamic. On the scale of just one or two decades, and sometimes in less time than that, technological revolutions, political movements, or singular events can shape the course of history in unpredictable ways. To understand potential impacts of climate change for societies and ecosystems, scientists use scenarios to explore implications of a range of possible futures. Scenarios are not predictions of what will happen, but they can be useful tools for researching a wide range of “what if” questions about what the world might be like in the future. They can be used to study future emissions of greenhouse gases and climate change. They can also be used to explore the ways climate-change impacts depend on changes in society, such as economic or population growth or progress in controlling diseases. Scenarios of possible decisions and policies can be used to explore the solution space for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for a changing climate. Scenario analysis creates a foundation for understanding risks of climate change for people, ecosystems, and economies across a range of possible futures. It provides important tools for smart decision-making when both uncertainties and consequences are large.3. Why is climate change a particularly difficult challenge for managing risk?
Risk management is easier for nations, companies, and even individuals when the likelihood and consequences of possible events are readily understood. Risk management becomes much more challenging when the stakes are higher or when uncertainty is greater. As the WGII AR5 demonstrates, we know a great deal about the impacts of climate change that have already occurred, and we understand a great deal about expected impacts in the future. But many uncertainties remain, and will persist. In particular, future greenhouse gas emissions depend on societal choices, policies, and technology advancements not yet made, and climate-change impacts depend on both the amount of climate change that occurs and the effectiveness of development in reducing exposure and vulnerability. The real challenge of dealing effectively with climate change is recognizing the value of wise and timely decisions in a setting where complete knowledge is impossible. This is the essence of risk management.4. What are the timeframes for mitigation and adaptation benefits
Adaptation can reduce damage from impacts that cannot be avoided. Mitigation strategies can decrease the amount of climate change that occurs, as summarized in the WGIII AR5. But the consequences of investments in mitigation emerge over time. The constraints of existing infrastructure, limited deployment of many clean technologies, and the legitimate aspirations for economic growth around the world all tend to slow the deviation from established trends in greenhouse gas emissions. Over the next few decades, the climate change we experience will be determined primarily by the combination of past actions and current trends. The near-term is thus an era where short-term risk reduction comes from adapting to the changes already underway. Investments in mitigation during both the near term and the longer-term do, however, have substantial leverage on the magnitude of climate change in the latter decades of the century, making the second half of the 21st century and beyond an era of climate options. Adaptation will still be important during the era of climate options, but with opportunities and needs that will depend on many aspects of climate change and development policy, both in the near-term and in the long-term.5. Can science identify thresholds beyond which climate change is dangerous?Human activities are changing the climate. Climate change impacts are already widespread and consequential. But while science can quantify climate change risks in a technical sense, based on the probability, magnitude, and nature of the potential consequences of climate change, determining what is dangerous is ultimately a judgment that depends on values and objectives. For example, individuals will value the present versus the future differently and will bring personal worldviews on the importance of assets like biodiversity, culture, and aesthetics. Values also influence judgments about the relative importance of global economic growth versus assuring the wellbeing of the most vulnerable among us. Judgments about dangerousness can depend on the extent to which one’s livelihood, community, and family are directly exposed and vulnerable to climate change. An individual or community displaced by climate change might legitimately consider that specific impact dangerous, even though that single impact might not cross the global threshold of dangerousness. Scientific assessment of risk can provide an important starting point for such value judgments about the danger of climate change.6. Are we seeing impacts of recent climate change?
Yes, there is strong evidence of impacts of recent observed climate change on physical, biological, and human systems. Many regions have experienced warming trends and more frequent high-temperature extremes. Rising temperatures are associated with decreased snowpack, and many ecosystems are experiencing climate-induced shifts in the activity, range, or abundance of the species that inhabit them. Oceans are also displaying changes in physical and chemical properties that, in turn, are affecting coastal and marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, and other oceanic organisms such as mollusks, crustaceans, fishes, and zooplankton. Crop production and fishery stocks are sensitive to changes in temperature. Climate change impacts are leading to shifts in crop yields, decreasing yields overall and sometimes increasing them in temperate and higher latitudes, and catch potential of fisheries is increasing in some regions but decreasing in others. Some indigenous communities are changing seasonal migration and hunting patterns to adapt to changes in temperature.7. Are the future impacts of climate change only negative? Might there be positive impacts as well?Overall, the report identifies many more negative impacts than positive impacts projected for the future, especially for high magnitudes and rates of climate change. Climate change will, however, have different impacts on people around the world and those effects will vary not only by region but over time, depending on the rate and magnitude of climate change. For example, many countries will face increased challenges for economic development, increased risks from some diseases, or degraded ecosystems, but some countries will probably have increased opportunities for economic development, reduced instances of some diseases, or expanded areas of productive land. Crop yield changes will vary with geography and by latitude. Patterns of potential catch for fisheries are changing globally as well, with both positive and negative consequences. Availability of resources such as usable water will also depend on changing rates of precipitation, with decreased availability in many places but possible increases in runoff and groundwater recharge in some regions like the high latitudes and wet tropics.8. What communities are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change?
Every society is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, but the nature of that vulnerability varies across regions and communities, over time, and depends on unique socioeconomic and other conditions. Poorer communities tend to be more vulnerable to loss of health and life, while wealthier communities usually have more economic assets at risk. Regions affected by violence or governance failure can be particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Development challenges, such as gender inequality and low levels of education, and other differences among communities in age, race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and governance can influence vulnerability to climate change impacts in complex ways.9. Does climate change cause violent conflicts?
Some factors that increase risks from violent conflicts and civil wars are sensitive to climate change. For example, there is growing evidence that factors like low per capita incomes, economic contraction, and inconsistent state institutions are associated with the incidence of civil wars, and also seem to be sensitive to climate change. Climate change policies, particularly those associated with changing rights to resources, can also increase risks from violent conflict. While statistical studies document a relationship between climate variability and conflict, there remains much disagreement about whether climate change directly causes violent conflicts.10. How are adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development connected?
Mitigation has the potential to reduce climate change impacts, and adaptation can reduce the damage of those impacts. Together, both approaches can contribute to the development of societies that are more resilient to the threat of climate change and therefore more sustainable. Studies indicate that interactions between adaptation and mitigation responses have both potential synergies and tradeoffs that vary according to context. Adaptation responses may increase greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., increased fossil-based air conditioning in response to higher temperatures), and mitigation may impede adaptation (e.g., increased use of land for bioenergy crop production negatively impacting ecosystems). There are growing examples of co-benefits of mitigation and development policies, like those which can potentially reduce local emissions of health-damaging and climate-altering air pollutants from energy systems. It is clear that adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development will be connected in the future.11. Why is it difficult to be sure of the role of climate change in observed effects on people and ecosystems?Climate change is one of many factors impacting the Earth’s complex human societies and natural ecosystems. In some cases the effect of climate change has a unique pattern in space or time, providing a fingerprint for identification. In others, potential effects of climate change are thoroughly mixed with effects of land use change, economic development, changes in technology, or other processes. Trends in human activities, health, and society often have many simultaneous causes, making it especially challenging to isolate the role of climate change. Much climate-related damage results from extreme weather events and could be affected by changes in the frequency and intensity of these events due to climate change. The most damaging events are rare, and the level of damage depends on context. It can therefore be challenging to build statistical confidence in observed trends, especially over short time periods. Despite this, many climate change impacts on the physical environment and ecosystems have been identified, and increasing numbers of impacts have been found in human systems as well.
The bill for climate change is coming due

Americans have just endured one of the coldest winters in memory, so global warming may not be on their radar. But a new U.N. panel report has just refocused the public debate on a problem some scientists call the greatest threat facing the world.
There is trouble ahead for global agriculture, warns the influential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, if measures are not taken quickly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The panel, which synthesizes the findings of thousands of peer-reviewed studies every seven years, has issued a report card on the state of the planet.
The report card serves as a guide to policymakers and a basis for international deliberations, including the summit on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions scheduled to be held in Paris next year. The report will be officially released on Sunday in Yokohama, Japan, but an advance copy has been leaked.

The report goes on to link food price increases (like the 2010 spike in wheat prices that helped spark the Arab Spring) to climate change-related droughts and floods. It forecasts that prices will continue to rise as grain yields decline by as much as 2 percent per decade for the rest of the century, while demand is projected to rise by 14 percent per decade through 2050.
Food shortages are predicted to be the new normal in vulnerable areas, according to the IPCC. Africa and Asia will be the principal losers. Monsoon rain patterns are already being disrupted on both continents and desertification is spreading in semi-arid regions of western India and China as well as north and east Africa. River basins like the Mekong, the Yangtze, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra will see larger and more frequent floods in the years ahead, followed by permanent drying trend as the Himalayan glaciers gradually melt.
The biggest news from this report, however, may be the anticipated price tag for climate change. Even a relatively modest temperature rise of 2.5 degrees Celsuis (6.25 degrees Fahrenheit), scientists say, would reduce global economic output by more than 2 percent (roughly $1.4 trillion annually).
The cost of climate change includes higher food prices, increased healthcare spending, natural disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods, the depletion of surface and groundwater and land loss due to the inundation of coastal areas from sea-level rise.
The first installment of the three-part IPCC document, released in September, projected — rather conservatively, according to many experts — a possible 4 degrees Celsius (10 degrees Farhrenheit) rise in global temperatures (temperatures have already risen by about 0.8 degrees Celsius [2 degrees Fahrenheit]) and up to a three-foot rise in sea levels by the end of the century. Yet even these arguably lowball numbers attracted the fire of climate skeptics, who pointed to lower-than-expected global temperature increases over the past decade as evidence that global warming has “stalled.”
Today’s assessment will likely also spark controversy from both those who think it goes too far, and others who believe that it does not go far enough. The latter was the focus of a study earlier this month. A coalition of environmental groups argued that projections of the economic cost, like this IPCC report, routinely leave out many of the harder-to-quantify damages that are brought on by political unrest and the destruction of ecosystems.
These reports also fail to take into account what would happen if certain tipping points are crossed, which could potentially send the earth’s climate system into a tailspin.

This uncertainty over methane gas underscores the difficulties that scientists face in devising reliable projections. This is particularly true when it comes to predicting regional climate shifts. Computer models sometimes arrive at strikingly different conclusions about how local weather patterns will change — hardly surprising given that the climate system is an immensely complex and interactive system.
In some cases, the best guide for what will happen is what is already taking place. On a recent trip to East Africa, I asked farmers how things have changed for them. They consistently told the same story: less predictable seasonal rains, maize crops withering and wells and rivers drying up. They are increasingly apprehensive about the future, as I report in Foreign Policy.
Not every place will be negatively affected, though. In the northern United States, including the upper Midwest, growing seasons are getting longer. Over the past century, they have increased by almost three weeks in North Dakota, where farmer John Nowatzki, whose family has grown cold-tolerant grains like wheat and barley for more than a hundred years, now plants warm-season crops like corn and soybeans.
In the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, the sun-dependent wine business has been booming. Peach orchards are spreading north into lands that used to be too cold to grow the fruit.
On the other side of the continent, by contrast, California’s almonds, cherries and apricots are not getting enough critical winter-chill time for the trees to properly flower and fruit. Southern California is suffering from an historic drought. Parts of Texas are becoming too dry to cultivate and reverting to rangeland for grazing cattle.
As a rough rule of thumb, climate change will be a boon in some temperate areas, where production is more limited by cold than by heat. Warmer regions are another story, however.
“You can’t grow crops in a blast furnace,” said Bruce McCarl, a professor of agricultural economics at Texas A&M University and co-author of the current IPCC report. A blast furnace is precisely what large parts of the U.S. Southwest have become in recent summers, as successive droughts and record-breaking heat waves have scorched the region.
Though the IPPC report acknowledges the winners and losers, it insists that the damage from climate change will far outweigh the benefits. Yet McCarl, in an email interview, manages to be guardedly optimistic. “Climate change is inevitable,” he said, “and agriculture must adapt by changing planting dates, varieties, harvest dates, crop mix, livestock mix among other means.”
McCarl says that adaptation will be difficult in many parts of the globe. Like Mali, for example, where temperatures are increasing and precipitation is decreasing. He argues in his study on the West African nation that more must be done to develop heat-resistant grain varieties and more money must be spent on outreach programs that train farmers for the rigors of climate change.
The challenge for Mali and the world is to find new ways to grow the food that we need on a rapidly transforming planet. “The heat is on,” said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon when he launched the first installment of the IPCC report in September. “Now we must act.”
The question remains whether the world will act in time.
Telegraph and Mail concede on climate change

One is home to some of the UK's best known commentators casting doubt on climate change science, while the other claims "climate change is on ice" and "huge uncertainties surround the science of climate change".
But both the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail have now told MPs they believe climate change is happening and humans play a role in it.
Editors at the Telegraph told the science and technology committee that "we believe that the climate is changing, that the reason for that change includes human activity, but that human ingenuity and adaptability should not be ignored in favour of economically damaging prescriptions." But they railed at being too frequently confronted with "impenetrable gobbledygook."
The paper was until last month home to blogger James Delingpole, who has also written for the Daily Mail, under headlines such as "The crazy climate change obsession that's made the Met Office a menace", "95 per cent of intelligent people know the new IPCC report is utter drivel", and "Climate Change: there just aren't enough bullets." Both papers regularly quote representatives of the Global Warming Policy Foundation – the climate sceptic thinktank setup by Lord Lawson in 2009 – on their opinion on climate science.
The Mail told the MPs that "there are very few serious scientists who deny the climate is changing." But it also said: "The climate is always changing and the vast majority of climate scientists believe there is a significant human impact on it although they disagree about the pace and effects. Climate scientists are unlikely to write papers saying climate change is not happening."
A landmark report last September by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that scientists were 95% sure that humans were causing global warming and that temperatures could rise by up to 4.8C by the end of the century.
The Mail and Telegraph were among several media titles including the Guardian to give evidence to an inquiry by the committee, 'communicating climate science', although neither were represented in person, sending written submissions instead. The committee's findings are due to be published on Wednesday.
Andrew Miller MP, the committee's chair said: “All of the serious news outlets we spoke to were unanimous in accepting the scientific evidence that human activity is causing climate change. This came as a surprise to us because some papers regularly give a platform to lobby groups or indeed conspiracy theorists – many not even qualified scientists – who pooh-pooh the evidence and attack UK climate scientists."
Politicians also gave evidence to the committee, with climate minister, Greg Barker, attacking the BBC for giving too much prominence to climate sceptics. "I think we need the BBC to look very hard, particularly at whether or not they are getting the balance right. I don't think they are," he told the MPs.
The inquiry's publication follows the second part in the IPCC's fifth assessment, which was published on Monday and warned that climate change was a threat to wildlife, global food stocks, and to human security.
But both the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail have now told MPs they believe climate change is happening and humans play a role in it.
Editors at the Telegraph told the science and technology committee that "we believe that the climate is changing, that the reason for that change includes human activity, but that human ingenuity and adaptability should not be ignored in favour of economically damaging prescriptions." But they railed at being too frequently confronted with "impenetrable gobbledygook."
The paper was until last month home to blogger James Delingpole, who has also written for the Daily Mail, under headlines such as "The crazy climate change obsession that's made the Met Office a menace", "95 per cent of intelligent people know the new IPCC report is utter drivel", and "Climate Change: there just aren't enough bullets." Both papers regularly quote representatives of the Global Warming Policy Foundation – the climate sceptic thinktank setup by Lord Lawson in 2009 – on their opinion on climate science.
The Mail told the MPs that "there are very few serious scientists who deny the climate is changing." But it also said: "The climate is always changing and the vast majority of climate scientists believe there is a significant human impact on it although they disagree about the pace and effects. Climate scientists are unlikely to write papers saying climate change is not happening."
A landmark report last September by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that scientists were 95% sure that humans were causing global warming and that temperatures could rise by up to 4.8C by the end of the century.
The Mail and Telegraph were among several media titles including the Guardian to give evidence to an inquiry by the committee, 'communicating climate science', although neither were represented in person, sending written submissions instead. The committee's findings are due to be published on Wednesday.
Andrew Miller MP, the committee's chair said: “All of the serious news outlets we spoke to were unanimous in accepting the scientific evidence that human activity is causing climate change. This came as a surprise to us because some papers regularly give a platform to lobby groups or indeed conspiracy theorists – many not even qualified scientists – who pooh-pooh the evidence and attack UK climate scientists."
Politicians also gave evidence to the committee, with climate minister, Greg Barker, attacking the BBC for giving too much prominence to climate sceptics. "I think we need the BBC to look very hard, particularly at whether or not they are getting the balance right. I don't think they are," he told the MPs.
The inquiry's publication follows the second part in the IPCC's fifth assessment, which was published on Monday and warned that climate change was a threat to wildlife, global food stocks, and to human security.
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